

题主的问题是,如果去签证中心办理英国签证时,遇到英文不好的工作人员怎么办?我该怎么跟他们沟通呢,好紧张啊! 这个问题问的很好,因为很多准备自己递交英国签证材料的同学都担心会遇到语言障碍。 其实在递交申请之前最好还是先练一下自己的口语能力吧!毕竟如果跟签证官说得磕磕绊绊的话,肯定会给对方留下不好的印象哦~而且这样也会让面试官觉得你的英语水平不太好,很有可能会被怀疑有移民倾向或英语能力不足等问题出现。所以还是多练习一下吧!

不过不用担心啦~其实大多数英国驻华使馆的工作人员都是很有耐心的,他们能够理解申请人所讲的意思并给出正确的答案;而少数态度比较粗暴、不耐烦的人也只是为了完成自己的工作而已……所以大家还是要保持一颗平常心哈~(^▽^)~ 所以下面就让我来分享一下跟签证官交流的经验(希望对你们有帮助喔^^)! 首先就是自我介绍的部分了: Hello , my name is XXX. I am from China. AndI would like to visit UK for business trip and holiday(旅游). 我来自中国北京。我想去英国进行商务旅行和度假(旅游)。 然后就是关于工作方面的介绍以及工资情况等: As you can see here on the documents, they are all in Chinese language. Can please tell me how much these documents will be translated? They should cost about £10-20 per page according to the translation company that did this work before when it was still in English version instead of now which has been transffered into Mandarin Version as well with some additional information written onto them by myself since there weren't any other details provided within those earlier ones (e.g. salary , position etc.) due to privacy reasons. Could you kindly explain why we might need a certified translation or not during our application procedure? Please do let us know ASAP. Thanks! 根据这份文件来看,这些资料都是中文的。请问需要翻译成多少页呢?一般来说每页需要花费10到20英镑之间的费用才能把内容转换过来。由于我之前并没有看到任何有关薪资待遇方面的信息(比如:薪水情况,职位等),所以我不得不自己在原本只有英文版的材料中添加一些细节部分的内容以使其更加完整。


最后就说说你去的日期和时间之类的就好了: When shall I come back after doing the tour? What time are you leaving for your next destination then at last? Will there be an extra fee if I arrive later than scheduled or leave prior to the original date mentioned above? Do you offer any special discounts/promotions for people who pay via credit card rather then cash at hand? It only costs $5 more compared with cash payment but does save the hassle of having to take out a bank loan and go through the process again once returned home... Plus you get a better rate if using credit cards anyway! Haha... 好了现在该说的都说完了,剩下的就看你们的运气咯。。。哈哈……


题主好,我是之前办过移民的人, 不知道你在哪儿办理,我们这里就是拿护照去使馆或者领事馆办签证的, 签证证明是发给你的东西叫Visa certificate. 这个上面有移民局盖章和签名还有签证类型信息(比如商务访问还是留学),这个也是政府给你的入境凭证之一! 另外还有一个东西是COE(Confirmation of Enrollment),这是学校发的文件,在申请学生签证的时候学校要给你发这个东西。 这个上面有你的入学信息(入学时间、课程名称等)和学校的地址电话(方便联系)
