1、申请签证时,申请人需要提供资产证明来证明自己的财务能力(financial capability),以及其是否有移民的意图(immigration intent) 。但并非所有国家都强制要求申请者提供银行存款,例如申根签证和英国签证就不需要资金证明。而美国的签证则需要准备详细的存款流水等资产证明。
①资金来源说明(source of funds explanation):即如何获得这笔资金的说明; ②金额(amount in question); ③流动性(liquidity, also known as accessibility):是否方便取出用于支付签证费用或旅途开支;
④在境外能否产生足够的收入维持生活及消费。 对资产来源的解释,一般可以从如下几个方面进行准备:
(a)工资:提供6至12个月的工资单或者纳税凭证; a bank statement showing deposits or withdrawals related to salary will be helpful.
(b)股票:提供3至6个月内的交易明细单。 Please provide the detail transaction history within three months for stocks.
(c)房产:提供最近3年的缴税记录(TOTAL RENTAL INCOME TAX BILL) 和房产证。 You can hold real estate and provide relevant tax records (such as annual property taxes, rent receipts etc), along with an explanation on how you paid for this property.
(d)公司盈利/分红:请提供公司的营业执照副本复印件及企业最近的税务报税单。 If it is your company, please provide copies of business license and enterprise income tax payment certificate from last year.