1. 学校邮箱一般是这样写的,xx大学教育资助委员会(或叫教育局)。如果是申请研究生的话,就直接写研究生学院。 例如:the education bureau xx university (or the admissions office of master's program of xx university)
2. 正文一般写清下列三点即可: 你是如何了解到我们的学校的,你为何选择我们学校(背景原因),你所期望的学位是怎样的(你的目标)。 例如:I am writing to inquire about your law school and its admission process. I understand that you accept English-taught degrees from U.S. schools, and my undergraduate institution was one such, so I hope I may be considered for an LLM degree during the next academic year (September 2015-August 2016). You can find my transcripts and recommendations on my law school application(s) if you would like any additional information. 由于不知道题主的具体情况,所以只能写一份通用的邮件模板。如果题主有具体的问题可以详细问我~ 祝申请顺利!有机会来港大读法律啊!