Unfortunately, no further information is available about your results that could be useful for your claim to have your IELTS results reviewed and this is why the review is not possible.
If you have recently completed IELTS we recommend that you book and take the test again.
When you next register to take IELTS, please visit ielts.org for more information about what is required for Reading or Listening candidates sitting a Paper-based test. Your Reading and Listening scripts for your recently taken test are no longer available but these are available for at least 3 weeks after you next sit IELTS.
Please note that IELTS scripts are handled by experienced and specially trained markers. All listening and reading tests are also quality checked by the Cambridge Assessment English.
Should you wish to further discuss your result we recommend you visit your local test venue to do so. You can find information on how to book IELTS and find your nearest venue at ielts.org.
We hope you are successful the next time you take your IELTS.