我收到过这样一封邮件: We had very pleasure in offering you a place in the .... class to be beginned in fall 2005. However, we have to inform you that we have to turn down this candidate because of the lack of available funds. Office of ...
没提成绩什么的,只提资金问题,就是婉拒。 我也婉拒了一个女生的申请,不过我写得很抱歉。 我收到过一封让我很愤怒的邮件。 Dear : I am . I received the email that you accept me , but I cannot attend you . because my father is very ill. He is cancer . But I have a good friend . She is . She is excellent in . And she is also my best friend from grade 6 to now. If you accept her , she will be happy . Because her family is very rich . They can afford her school . Please accept her instead of me .
我回了封信,内容记不得了,大概是说她不配作你的学生云云,然后就她的申请动手拆了。 我拒过的学生,有些是我成绩评语写很差,其他的就随便了。