

我6月27号递签的 今天刚收到的 整整一个月的时间 不过我是500的学生签证不是485~ 所以不知道485是不是更快一些 我是在新南威尔士州的首府city悉尼递交的 从递签开始就没再管过

T4签证是英国政府给来英学习课程长度为11个月以上的短期的学生的签证,包括语言和预科课程(Pre-sessional and Foundation Courses)以及学士以上学位的课程 (Bachelor degrees or above), 研究生文凭 (Postgraduate Diplomas, PG Certificates & Masters by Coursework ) 和博士研究课程. 如果您的学习时间在11个月以上但不足两年或者您正在申请第二阶段的Tier 4学生签证的话,则必须申请 T4 STEP 签证. 所有T4 STEP的申请者均需通过Immigration Biosketch在线表格进行申请,并在指定时间内将完整的申请资料寄到移民局指定的地址.

STUDENT OF HEIGHEST LEVEL: This is for all students who are studying a Bachelor’s degree or higher, including those on PhD courses as well as Post Graduate Diploma/Certificate programmes. It also covers Pre-Sessional Language courses that last under two years and foundation course programmes lasting less than one year which lead to a Higher Education Degree. Those whose study has been funded through the Tier 4 Student Route will require this type of visa when they have completed their studies in the UK. Most postgraduate research students will be required to hold such visas if funding comes from outside the country where you live, unless exemptions apply depending on your nationality and how long your research project lasts. For example some nationalities may qualify for an exemption so long as there is no possibility of working on their own account during their research. A doctoral student can work up to 20 hours per week during term time but must not work more than 10 hours per week at other times. Such workers should obtain an Authorisation Letter from their sponsors to support their right to work whilst undertaking research. Please note these conditions do not permit employment in a full-time capacity without sponsorship.


10月2号去办的,10月6好通知我通过了,7号拿到护照 8号拿到的签证(上海),所以是3天吧,不过我办理的是留学签证,不知道跟T4有什么不同呢,因为我是申请的是英语授课的德国大学,需要提供雅思成绩并且语言课程和专业的录取信 我个人觉得我的申请材料准备的很充分(当然也希望能顺利获得签证)

补充一点:我在法国有居留证而且有在境外申请的记录,但是我没有选择法国使馆,而是选的北京大使馆,我觉得这个应该不影响吧 然后就是填表要填写你的所有个人信息以及过去的情况之类的,大概会问一些为什么去德国的原因之类的问题

