

加拿大的省份(province)和地区(territory 或 region)有区别,这里主要说的是各省。 一般来说,每个省有一个省会城市,比如安省的省会就是多伦多,英属哥伦比亚省的省会就是温哥华等等等....然后每个省的地理、人口、经济等都不同。

目前除了魁北克之外,其他所有省级行政区都是政治实体,都有自己独立的省政府和立法会,而魁北克是一个自治省,但是只有行政权,而没有立法权力(也就是说魁北克的很多法律都必须得到联邦政府批准才能生效);而联邦层面的一些立法(包括宪法在内)在魁北克是无效的,同时魁北克人也有权利通过公投退出加拿大联邦!所以别看现在魁北克跟其他几个省一样,都只写了“Province Of”,其实它是特殊的一个哦~


Alberta 阿尔伯塔省 Alberta is situated in the western part of Canada and it's also known as “The oil capital of the world”, because a large amount of oil reserves are found here, with more than one fifth of all Canadian oil resources. In addition to rich natural resources, this province has an area of about half that of France or Taiwan, which makes its population density lower than most cities (2 people per square kilometer on average). The majority of residents live around Calgary and Edmonton two major cities, where you can take advantage of affordable housing and find well-paid jobs. Moreover, both places have easy access to outdoor activities like hiking trails, mountain biking tracks etc. So if you move there, you won’t be bored at any time!

British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省 BC is located along the west coast of the country, so it’s very popular among foreigners for its mild climate and stunning scenery; besides Vancouver – another economic center full of opportunities and international companies——it boasts many other great tourist attractions such as Banff National Park and Niagara Falls! This place was named after Queen Victoria whose reign lasted longer than anyone else before her (she ruled from June 1837 until her death in January 1901); she was also said to be fond of the name British Columbia ever since she first read about it back then, when she heard of a new land discovered by Captain George Vancouver who explored the Pacific Northwest during his travels!

Manitoba 曼尼托巴省 Manitoba lies directly north of Minnesota state in USA, covering just over a quarter of the size of Germany, while being home to fewer than a million inhabitants……so it seems like not much happens in these parts, right? Well actually yes: Winnipeg City, the provincial capital, was once the fastest growing city in North America; and now, however slowly it may seem


1604年,法国人建立了第一块殖民地新法兰西(今魁北克)并逐渐将这块土地扩张到安大略湖附近建立了一个新的城市,并将它命名为蒙特利尔市 蒙特利尔的英文名Montreal是法语Montréal的音译。但蒙特利尔在法文中写作Montréal而不再是Mon-treal了 因为Montréal和Montre-al读音相同所以后来人们就用Montreal(英) Montre'al (法)来描述这座城市了; 在英语中montreal就是蒙特雷洛的意思咯~ 这是蒙特利尔的标志哦!
