

在澳洲学习签证的审核中,对于学校的选择是至关重要的一个环节,这直接影响了签证是否能够顺利获批。 那么如何选择学校才能避免签证被拒之险呢? 首先需要学生明确一点:政府审批留学签证时,主要考察的是学校是否被认可的,而不是考察你在什么学校上学(除特殊情形外);只要学生的学校是被认可的学校,专业选择就不会对签证产生重大影响(具体参见第3部分“澳大利亚认可的大学及文凭类院校列表”)。

学生在选择学校的时候,只需要考虑两个因素: 首先是这个学校的课程设置是否能满足学生后续移民的需要,比如学职业技术类的,就尽量选择设置该职业相关课程的学校; 其次是学校的教学质量,这一点可以通过网络等渠道先进行了解。 但凡符合以上两点要求的学生,选择的学校都是不会被签证官提出质疑的,至于那些不符合上述两点要求的,要么学校不被认可,要么专业选择有缺陷,就有可能被拒绝获签。

学生在办理留学签证时,选校并不是一件很困难的事情,只需遵循以上2点建议即可。 那除了考虑学校和专业的因素以外,还有没有其它需要注意的地方? 当然!除了上述2个方面的考虑外,学生还应该从以下4个方面来审视将要申请的学校:

1.是否有合理的学习计划 There must be a reasonable and well-defined study plan to apply for the selected course(s) of studies, which includes information on what you will study, where and when you will study it, and how this will lead to your future career path and/or skills development.

2.是否有足够的资金担保 申请者必须提供充足且合理的经济来源证明以表明你有足够的资金支付在澳期间的所有花费。The student must show that he or she has sufficient funds to cover all expenses while studying in Australia by providing documentation about his or her financial status such as bank statements, tax returns and investment certificates etc.

3.是否有合格的语言能力证明 留学生须出示合格的语言成绩证明,以便能被录取以及顺利获得赴澳留学签证。A satisfactory result in an approved English language test is required before a visa can be granted. Those whose first language is not English must demonstrate an ability to use English in order to undertake their chosen course.

4.是否曾经在拒签名单中 The applicant’s previous academic history with corresponding institutions should be examined to determine whether any institution is currently on the Department’s Watch list. This means that the school you wish to enroll into should not have been associated with the rejection of any other applicants' visas previously. You may also want to check if there are any specific courses offered at the school(s) that might have caused problems during previous applications.
