

我8月20申请的签证,8月31出的签证。加急的,大概一周多吧 - 不过我朋友比我快,他695新币加急,8月15号申请,8月17号就出签了~羡慕啊~~ 我办的是普通签证(635新币),据说加急也是635!但是好像是加一个月有效期的哦~ 需要提供担保人的收入证明,工资单,税单或者银行流水(至少三份),担保人身份证,户口本,结婚证复印件(单身不需要),房产证,存款证明等。。。

个人资料:护照,照片,身份证复印件,户口本复印件,毕业证复印件,英语成绩单(雅思/托福/PTE),营业执照副本复印件加盖红章,公司出具的派遣函和在职证明(模板可发邮箱),16万定期存单(存期大于6个月,金额大于5万),社保缴费记录(近六个月),公积金缴纳记录(近六个月) 所有材料一式两份 签证办理费用包括:护照费,照相费和签证费 新加坡签证申请材料清单:

1. 有效期超过6个月的因私护照原件和复印件;

2. 每一页的复印件;

3. 一张两寸白底彩色相片;

4. 身份证原件和复印件;

5. 户口本原件、复印 件;

6. 结婚证原件和复印件(未婚、丧偶或离婚无需提供);

7. 学历证明原件和复印件,高中以下学历需提供学校盖章的中文版在读证明;大专以上学历请准备原件和英文翻译件;

8. 财产证明:存款证明原件及复印件(需有银行盖章),16万(可包含父母名下的财产)。

9. 健康证明 注:所有复印件均用A4纸张复印


21st century has been the time of “instant” everything. The instant we need to know an answer, there’s one right at hand on Wikipedia ™. The Instant Messaging app that works from your phone and lets you chat with people anywhere in the world makes us feel like they are just beside us, as if we can walk up to them and ask what happened or why our flight was delayed today……or anything else… And now even Google Maps will tell you how long it should take you to get somewhere so you can plan ahead and arrive when planned……

The point is, Singapore Immigration has a lot less discretion than the United States(which might be a good thing but I have seen many examples where an American Consulate denied my entry into the U.S. based on their own subjective criteria). In fact, the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs website lists all possible questions immigration officers can ask you about travel history, financial status of visitors etc——in advance for everyone's peace of mind!

I am not familiar with any other country's rules/regulation on this matter, but I think visa processing times are getting shorter in general these days, thanks to technological advances and more streamlined procedures...
